Monday, April 20, 2009


We weaned the first batch about a week ago and suddenly find we have milk to spare! One of Aaron's projects in is 4-H book is to make a simple cheese and make observations about how the milk changes as it is cooked. All we used to make the cheese was a gallon of fresh, pasturized milk and 1/4 cup vinegar - then we seasoned it with a package of Ranch dressing mix. We all think it is very good and we are anxious to make some more!

Time Flies When You are BuSy!

March was pretty quiet here - we had the set of mini-Nubian twins born the 3rd. On March 20th, I came home from running to the feed store to find Dancer - an American Alpine down and in labor. Didn't take me long to figure out that two were coming at once! Maiden 3 year old doe and I was home by myself with no one to help her! Luckily the vet was in dehorning 4-H steers so I loaded her up and hauled her in. Took him a bit to get things sorted out and the kids pulled. The first BIG buck was dead - he came hind feet first - the surviving buck was coming out front feet first. "Lucky" is in the process of becoming a wether and then will start pack goat training.

We now have Chi-Chi due - this photo is of her back in '07 with her twin doe kids - have everything crossed that we can get a doe this time too. It was HOT today and the poor girl is huge and miserable!

Got a pen put up out under our big weeping willow for the senior bucks - the neighbors were not liking the aroma - LOL. I kept telling them they would get used to it but . . .