Sunday, November 22, 2009

Goodbye You Goofy Guy

Dasher was Aaron's first kid out of his big doe. We showed him as a baby a couple of times, but we were in no position to own a buck at that time, so he was wethered and started his 4-H packgoat training. He was one big boy and when at the fairs, he was the "greeter" for the goat barns, standing on his hind legs and greeting all who would stop to visit with him. He loved getting out and going. We left him home this year when we went to state fair. The day before we were to come home, he got out of his pen and wandered the yard all afternoon and must of either overeaten or got into something that didn't agree with him. The next afternoon, I found him under his favorite tree - apparently he died in his sleep. We sure do miss the goofy old guy! He would run and buck and play like a days old kid and had his own herd of does that he liked to boss around. Take good care of Chi-Chi Dasher and don't be too bossy - ya hear?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Summer Flew By and Fall is Upon Us!!!

2009 has passed us by in a blur! We had 21 living kids this year and we deffinately learned how busy they can keep us! I hope to get back here in a few days and do some updating - letting you all know how the shows went and some of our plans for next year. In the meantime, I leave you with this cute little section out of the recent Miniature Dairy Goat Association newsletter:


10. There is potpourri hanging from his/her collar
9. The goat's hooves have been cut with pinking sheers
8. The goat treats are all stored in ZipLock Storage Containers
7. The barn shovel has been decorated with raffia
6. That telltale lemon slice in a new silver water bucket
5. The bale of hay you put out for the goats has been sculted into a swan
4. Goat hair has been collected and put into wire baskets for nesting material for
3. A seasonally appropriate grapevine wreath adornes the front of the goat barn
2. You find your herd wearing a thyme colored virgin wool hand knitted sweater
with matching boots

AND for Number 1 . . . .

1. Nanny berries have been spray painted gold and fashioned into a tasteful garland
hanging from the barn rafters