Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Has Sprung . . .


. . . and after several nasty days spent in the barn, our late February and March kids are bouncing around like THEY are springs!! No way was I going to get ANY posed pictures today . . .
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Cherry Butte Crew


We are taking a break from our regular programming to introduce and thank our crew! Of course there is Aaron - they are his animals afterall. But I must thank my mom and dad for all of their help and support! They are always there - be it holding goats, running errands at shows, bringing us lunch at shows or doing ALOT of manual labor around the farm and we honestly could not do it with out them! Our husband/dad is usually left at home to care for the animals or lately out of town alot and unable to help out but mom and dad are right there ready to work - heck they have even caught the stinky bucks and put them away a time or two! They LOVE the babies and are saddened along with us when we lose an animal.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010



We have been watching and waiting for Mocha to kid for a good week! She is certainly taking her time! I had moved the last batch of babies out to the barn thinking that Mocha would be done in time to bring Surprize in - well I ended up having to move those babies back to garage to get Surprize in the barn.

Mocha was showing more signs of impending kidding then Surprize was, so during the night I went to just one camera screen to keep an eye on Mocha. Then, since I don't work Friday, I took my time going outside to milk.

When I opened the barn door - SURPRISE!! There was a single kid in with Surprize! A F-L-A-S-H-Y 2nd. generation mini-Nubian buckling! I don't think he was very old - he was standing but mama had done nothing to clean him up and he was a stinky smelly mess! Got him inside and kind of cleaned up but had to work like crazy to literally pour four ounces of colostrom down him! By evening I had gotten another four ounces into him but he was rather lethargic all day and most of Saturday - just kind of half heartedly eating. Finally today, I switch to a regualr lamb bar nipple and that suited him and he has been going to town!

We will breed him to Ruth and Mia (both 1st gen) this fall and then he will be for sale.
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