Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just For Fun . . .


Sunday afternoon, during the Llama show, they let the goat kids come over and work an obstacle course to showcase goat packing. Aaron's goats both negotiated all of the obstacles but don't work too well on a loose lead yet and since that is really important, they didn't place in the class but we always have fun with it and that is what really counts!
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Aaron Needs A Trophy Room!


Here are Aaron's awards from the Western Idaho Fair. I really like the idea of a backpack for the champions and reserves though Aaron is using his old backpack for school so he can "save" his special one.
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Western Idaho Fair!


We made our yearly trip to Boise to compete in the Western Idaho Fair 4-H/FFA Dairy Goat show August 20th. We decorated and bedded pens Wednesday morning and took the animals through vet check Thursday evening. Showmanship classes were Friday night - entries were WAY down this year - meant for fast shows but we missed seeing several people too. Aaron won his Jr. Showmanship class and then came back for the run-off and was named Champion Jr. Showman and the right to show in the large animal round robin - his first ever!

The quality show was Saturday morning and again, the smaller number of goats allowed the show to be done by noon and I think every one came away with a title! Our yearling Nigerian doe Arianna was Reserve Jr. Champion Nigerian. Caramel, the lamancha, was Champiuon Sr. Mini and Best Udder of Breed - Kissez was Res. Ch. Sr. Mini Doe. In the Jr. Doe show, Snickerdoodle was Champion Mini and Babe (the oberhasli) was Reserve.

Aaron won the herdsmanship award for Friday and once again also won the overall Herdsmanship award - so along, with his fistfull of premiums, he was one happy guy!
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Adult Goat Showmanship @ the Fair


We had a HUGE turnout of adults and 4-H alumni for the Adult Goat Showmanship class at the fair this year! The judge really worked us over! I think we did every manuever there was to do and answered round after round of questions! It was hot and some of the animals were cranky - LOL. But end the end, I was second in that great big old class! I missed "how many stomaches does a goat have?" I knew the four COMPARTMENTS of the stomach but called them STOMACHES - oops. That was o.k. though cause I didn't want to have to trade goats and show that big old Boer doe! She loves her kid but sure has an attitude toward anyone else - LOL. If it had come to that - I was all ready to withdraw :-)
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Pack Goat Show

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2010 Gem/Boise County Fair Dairy Goat Show

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cherry Butte @ the Gem/Boise County Fair

Here is just a little teaser picture until I can borrow the disc. from mom to make a collage or two . . .

Aaron had a FaBuLoUs fair! He started out by winning the Jr. Showmanship class and then came back in for the champion runoff and finished Reserve Champion Dairy Goat Showman! Cherry Butte Carousel Sunday was named Grand Champion Sr. Doe, Best Doe in Show and Best Udder in Show! Cherry Butte Arianna was named Reserve Champion Jr. Doe. Then, on to the boys in the Pack Goat Show! Aaron was Reserve Champion Pack Goat Showman. Boomer - this years Nubian wether was Reserve Champion Pack Goat. and then . . .

Aaron choose to show the dairy goat for the run-off for overall Goat Showman. The champion and reserve Dairy Goat, Pygmy Goat, Meat Goat and Pack Goat showmen came back in to compete for the BIG title. Things were going prettty well until Aaron had to switch goats - then he goat a yearling Boer goat doe who had fought her owner and kept laying down the entire show! Aaron no more took the lead when she laid down on his foot! He patiently worked to get her back on her feet and got her walking and shown and was named RESERVE CHAMPION OVERALL GOAT SHOWMAN!!! You should have seen his grin!

Now, ten days til the Western Idaho Fair and we get to to it all again!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ready, Set, Fair!

Whew - I don't know why it is the weather always sets the dial to HOTTER THAN HOT just as we head into fair week!!! Then, just watch, it will cool down the Monday after and stay cool right up until the evening we check goats in at the big "state" fair and the dial will flip out again!!

Aaron did his goat and pocket pet inverviews today and said they went well. The goat barn is clean and our club decorations are up.

Goats just need the finishing trims before check-in Monday evening . . .

My mind is so full of "remember this" "don't forget that" that I can't sleep!