Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Busy, busy . . .

Whew - we sure have been keeping busy around here! We got a late start with our breeding, but I believe we have six does bred now - hope they settle.

Have started pulling blood for CAE testing - started out with animals that are for sale and will be working our way through the entire herd. I was so nervous about doing it - the first doe went fine - no problems - the next ten were hit or miss! This evening went much better - only really had problems with one doe and she is overweight so I had trouble locating the vein and she now looks like a pin cushion - LOL.

We have 8 animals with "sale pending" but there are still alot of quality animals at great prices available on our webpage.

Our 9 borders should be leaving soon which will be good since we just had another lively discussion of the hay bill . . .

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Herd Sale Down going on NOW!!


We have had a very, very successful year this year!! But with winter coming and some changes going on around here, we find that it is necessary to cut our herd down a bit. There are some very, very nice animals being offered including 2010 kids, yearlings, does and bucks - most of these are mini-Alpines, but there are also a few mini-Nubuians, Nigerians, a Mini-Toggenberg buck and a couple of nice, nice standard does that would be excellant foundation does for YOUR mini herds! Be sure to check our webpage for photos and more information!
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