Friday, April 22, 2011

Goat Panels


When we bought our horse trailer several years ago we were VERY new to goats. While the great big, one piece door is great for loading horses, it was a nightmare for loading goats! You would go to put one goat in and five would push their way out! I'd called back to the comapany that built the trailer about replacing the door and they quoted me almost $2,000!! Well, I finally contacted another place and had them build me these niffty panels. They have sliders in them and will fit at at any of the vertical supports! I can even put one at the very back of the trailer and then leave the door open for ventilation should we decide to show out of the trailer. They are removeable, so we can still haul horses, hay, etc. and can even use them with other wire panels to make a pen if we need too. Thank you Blake Trailers!
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Wait a Minute! THAT is NOT a dairy goat!!


Introducing Foxtail Farm Cleo. No, Cleo is NOT a dairy goat - she is a January 2011 purebred Boer doeling!! Aaron has added her to the herd with plans for breeding her to Seeker, his big Nubian buck when she is a yearling so he can raise and sell some percentage kids. Hopefully we can find a niche with 4-H kids down the road. Cleo was dam raised but we are working on taming her down.
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Monday, April 4, 2011

Oodles and Oodles of KiDs!

I have really let the blog suffer this year. I was doing a fair job of keeping up with the new arrivals and then BLAM! One Sunday evening, after a shower of course, Cloud had quads. Got them cleaned up and fed and headed back to the barn and Arianna had twins! Got home from work the next day to triplets and then a couple of days later a single arrived!! And well, things got CRAZY!!!

We have had really cruddy weather - lots of rain and wind and just cool temperatures. We did have a pretty nice week-end though and all of the kids got out to play!! I managed to get a few photos to share.

One doe left - the Saanen Snowbelle and then the madness of getting ready for the Memorial Day show!