Monday, May 30, 2011

Reserve Champions!!


Yet again this year, Aaron had to pick a new doe for showmanship. Looks like he and Cherry Butte Snickerdoole are a good team! Junior and Intermmediate showman showed together and once again Aaron was named Reserve Champion! Way too go Aaron and thank you Doodle for being such a good girl for him!
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Three Weeks Until the Big Show

Finally, this past week-end the weather cooperated, but unfortunately, my body did not! I woke up in the wee hours of Saturday morning SICK with a stomache bug and I am still not over it!

Baby goats are running amuck with NO training to lead - milking intervals are spastic at best.

Nothing is back in the trailer after it returned from the shop, the clipper blades are all still dirty and dull . . .