Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2011 Wine Country Classic Show


Once again we traveled to Washington to attend the 4th annual Wine Country Classic show. This year the show was held on a farm in Kennewick and we camped in a pasture in the motorhome. We sure went through some ugly country to get there but the farm itself was very pretty and peaceful!

It was a long, very warm day but we did very well. Aaron won the Intermmediate Showmanship class and finished as Reserve Champion overall showman. Then we showed our 8 animals to three different judges.

Our mini-Oberhasli "Babe" was Sr. Champion and best udder in one ring. "Taffy" was Champion and Best Jr. Doe in Show in one ring and Res. Ch in the other two rings. "Romantz" earned a championship in one ring and a reserve in another. "Kizzez" was Best udder of breed in two rings, Best Sr. Doe in Show in one ring and Best Udder of Show in two other rings. And the little Togg buckling "Curious George" was a trooper - he was Champion Jr. Buck in all three rings and even beat the big boys in one ring for Best Buck in Show and now has a dry leg toward his championship!!

Andrea awarded really neat trophies and once I get the photos to attch to them I will share a photo of one!
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2011 Meridian Dairy Days


We really had not planned on showing at Diary Days this year, but one of our 4-H Cloverbuds was going and really wanted Aaron to show too - he spent the night with us after the club walked goats in the kids' parade and talked Aaron into it! We just beat the rain - just as we got home it started pouring and poured for HOURS! Henry did very well and got his participant ribbon in showmanship and his little doe "Heavenly" was 3rd in her quality class.

Aaron was Jr. Champion Showman - he won a nice jacket and also the Idaho Statesman Jr. Showman Award. His two mini-Alpine does finished first and second in their class and "Snickerdoodle", the doe he is using for showmanship this year was named Jr. Best Doe in Show!
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Stepping Outside the Box


Amazing the difference about two weeks make! The weather was fantastic at the fairgrounds in Boise for the Rocky Mtn. Pygmy Goat Association show on June 11th. Aaron is going to be showing his yearling Pygmy doe, Sweety Pie, at the fairs this year. Well he was off camping with grandma and grandpa, so I took her to the show to learn how to show her. The people were great - friendly and very helpful and patient with all of my questions. She placed last in her class - she just acted like she didn't feel well. Her coat was rough and the judge said she was under weight (what a change - usually we are told that our dairy goats need to go on a diet!!). So I brought her home and have been giving her the grain that milk does get and I can see a huge difference in her.

Since Sweety Pie and Cleo (the boer goat) share a pen, I took Cleo to the show with us - I just showed out of the back of the pick-up. The first hour or so Cleo was happy by her self in the truck - the she discovered she could use her nose to open the window further and jump out! After she came to find us twice, I just kept her with us - it was great experience for her - helped to socialize her and she really seemed to enjoy herself!
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2011 ISDGA Syringa Classic


I am WAY behind on my blogs (and most everything else)! We attened they ISDGA Syringa Classic in Boise over Memorial Day week-end. The weather was HORRID!! It was cold and windy and we had several rainstorms that dumped inches of rain in just minutes! The outdoor showring, where the mini-goats show was flooded as were most of the pens! We did get a couple of loads of sand in Saturday morning and that took care of the showring.

The poor goats were SO cold - even in sweaters and coats and since it was so cold and since we didn't have to clean our own pens this year, we really bedded them deeply in straw to help keep them warm.

We had a very good show. Kissez took Best Sr. Doe in Show in two rings and finished her permanent championship! We also had a Best Buck in Show with Memphis and a Best Jr. Doe in show with Snickerdoodle. Several of our other babies earned their dry championship legs as well.
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